Reducose achieves GRAS status in the USA
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阅读:1482次 更新时间:2016-10-13

Reducose achieves GRAS status in the USA

In News by PhynovaOctober 13, 2016

Phynova, the British innovative life science company that develops and markets proprietary drugs and functional ingredients derived from active compounds found in plants, is pleased to announce that it has achieved GRAS “Generally Recognised as Safe” status for its natural food ingredient, Reducose™. Reducose™ is a patented functional ingredient derived from active compounds found in the mulberry leaf, which helps reduce the effects of sugar and other dietary carbohydrates on the body and will in turn help promote healthy blood glucose levels. The achievement of GRAS status means that Reducose™ can be added to any food or drink products in the United States of America.

The excessive consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates is linked to obesity, which can then lead to an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes. The World Health Organisation has recommended that adults and children reduce their daily intake of sugar to less than 10% of their total energy intake, and ideally to less than 5%. Sugar however has multiple properties when used in foods besides acting as a sweetener including giving foods texture and acting as a preservative and so it cannot be readily removed from foods without significant reformulation. Reducose™, when incorporated into foods and drinks, reduces the impact of sugar on the body and therefore allows sugar to remain present where necessary. This allows the foods and drinks to retain the taste of sugar, be healthier for consumers, and help food and drink manufacturers to avoid extensive product reformulation.

The effects of sugar on health is a known global issue however it is less well known that refined carbohydrates, such as rice, noodles or bread, also present a similar health issue and leads to a comparable rise in blood glucose levels as seen in sugar consumption. This is particularly pertinent in countries where a significant volume of fast food is consumed. The achievement of GRAS status in the United States of America presents a huge opportunity not only for food companies but also for consumers who want a healthier diet, without completely removing foodstuffs they enjoy. Reducose™ has particular relevance in the developing world, where the high consumption of starchy foods with a high glycaemic index has helped to contribute to a rise in diabetes and obesity.

Phynova has conducted clinical trials in the UK, China and India, to support the use of Reducose™ in foods and drinks. This research has shown that adding just a small amount of Reducose™ to foods containing sugar and other dietary carbohydrates significantly reduces the amount of glucose absorbed by the body, reduces blood glucose spikes and reduces the glycaemic index of the carbohydrate rich food without any side-effects.

Commenting on achieving GRAS status for Reducose™, Robert Miller, Phynova’s Chairman said: “Phynova is taking a completely novel approach to the issue of sugar and how to make foods containing sugar and refined carbohydrates healthier for consumers. When added to foods and drinks, Reducose™ has the potential to help solve a number of the big consumer issues around sugar and refined carbohydrates. We have the trial data to back this up, and the achievement of GRAS status is just the beginning as we look to gain further approvals to make Reducose™ available to companies around the world.”

About Reducose™

Reducose™ is a patented functional ingredient derived from Mulberry leaves that is rich in iminosugars and transforms products with high levels of sugar or high glycaemic index carbohydrates into ‘better for you’ products.

Reducose™ is a sustaining innovation that allows food companies to continue to use sugar without having to reformulate, while at the same time reducing unwanted side effects.

It is easy to formulate with, it is heat and pH stable, water-soluble and active at low doses. Reducose™ has a food friendly sensory profile and is cost effective.

Reducose™ can also be taken with meals as a supplement either on its own or combined with other ingredients.

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